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Draft Champ

Draft Champ is designed to make your fantasy football drafts fast and easy.

  • Get average draft position player rankings
  • Keep track of draft picks
  • Quickly sort, filter, search, and find players
  • Star your favorite players
  • Save and edit your picks

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Come Prepared

Get automatic rankings. Star your favorite players. Find out when the players you want are getting drafted. Can you wait until Round 4 or do you need to make your move in Round 3?

Keep Up With Picks

Select a player and tap the Draft button. Choose if the player is going to be on Your Team or Other Team. Finally, a fantasy draft app designed for ease of use!

Need for Speed

Drafts move quickly, so you need an app that can keep up. You don't have time to flip through pages, point and click around the Internet, or stare at a "Loading" screen as the clock winds down when it's your turn to pick.

Ranking Players

Draft Champ provides average draft position (ADP) cheat sheets for hundreds of players.


Tap the star button next to the players you want. When it's your turn, you'll know exactly who to pick.

My Team

Keep track of the players you picked and what positions you need by tapping the My Team button. Edit the team and then email it when you're done.

Simple and Elegant

Designed by a fantasy football player who understands the importance of Draft day. Spend the small price now to dominate your opponents from September to January. While they're fumbling around with a laptop, you're staying one step ahead with a few taps of the finger.

Finding Players

Quickly and easily view all players, sort by position, or search by last name. No more skimming over printed draft sheets trying to find a player, pick after pick. Never heard of the guy? No clue what position he plays? Then just tap All and then Search by the first few letters of his name.

Go Green

Don't print up sheets of paper and waste expensive ink when you can complete your entire draft anytime, anywhere, with the tap of a finger.

View Players

The Settings allow you to view All Players, Only Available Players (my favorite), and Only Drafted Players.


Can't find a player? Don't like scrolling? Just tap the Search bar and enter the first 1 or two letters of the players name and you'll find them no problem.


Did you mark the wrong guy as Drafted? Then just tap the Undraft button and keep going.


Do you have multiple drafts? Want to practice with mock drafts to prepare for your real draft? You can use Draft Champ over and over again by tapping the Reset button. Reset everything to defaults or just your draft picks, keeping the favorites for next time.


Get the latest player rankings by tapping the Refresh button. Did you print up your draft sheets last week? They're out of date already.

Become Champ

Buy the app for a small price and increase your chances of becoming your Fantasy Football League Champ!

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